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I-AIM Healthcare Center

Bangalore |

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I-AIM Healthcare Center is a specialized medical research and health services unit of TDU. We are India's #1 research oriented, multi-specialty, 100-bed Integrative Healthcare offering Ayurveda & Yoga based treatments with modern diagnostics facilities. We provide authentic Yoga and Ayurveda based treatments in a very calm and serene atmosphere, away from the hustle and bustle of the city life under the able guidance of knowledgeable physicians, extremely proficient and well trained yoga and physiotherapy experts.

The I-AIM Healthcare Centre campus is uniquely landscaped with over 950 species of medicinal plants. We have 12 specialty departments each managed by expert clinicians guided by experienced & seasoned professionals. Our strengths are our caring professionals - 10 Senior Doctors, 15 Duty Doctors, 35 Therapists, 20 Nurses & total strength of close to 150 people. The 100 bedded hospital is equipped with accommodation facility suitable for all strata of society (starting from General ward, Semi-Private, Private, Semi-deluxe, Deluxe and Suite).

Our vision is “To revitalize Indian medical heritage.” Our mission is "To provide efficacious, safe and cost-effective healthcare solutions for contemporary health problems through creative applications of Traditional Health Systems suitably integrated with Bio-medical sciences."

I-AIM Healthcare Center is a specialized medical research and health services unit of TDU. We are India's #1 research oriented, multi-specialty, 100-bed Integrative Healthcare offering Ayurveda & Yoga based treatments with modern diagnostics facilities. We provide authentic Yoga and Ayurveda based treatments in a very calm and serene atmosphere, away from the hustle and bustle of the city life under the able guidance of knowledgeable physicians, extremely proficient and well trained yoga and physiotherapy experts.

The I-AIM Healthcare Centre campus is uniquely landscaped with over 950 species of medicinal plants. We have 12 specialty departments each managed by expert clinicians guided by experienced & seasoned professionals. Our strengths are our caring professionals - 10 Senior Doctors, 15 Duty Doctors, 35 Therapists, 20 Nurses & total strength of close to 150 people. The 100 bedded hospital is equipped with accommodation facility suitable for all strata of society (starting from General ward, Semi-Private, Private, Semi-deluxe, Deluxe and Suite).

Our vision is “To revitalize Indian medical heritage.” Our mission is "To provide efficacious, safe and cost-effective healthcare solutions for contemporary health problems through creative ...Read More


I-AIM Healthcare Center Hospital performs various different procedures. Click on a procedure name to see more details and to view doctors for that specialty.

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Hospital Environment, Cleanliness, Amenities
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Hospital Stay/Room comfort
(Average Rating 0 Based on 0 rating)
Hospital Staff Professionalism & Friendliness
(Average Rating 0 Based on 0 rating)
International Patient Services
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