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Mastitis is inflammation of the breast or udder, usually associated with breastfeeding. Symptoms typically include local pain and redness.[1] There is often an associated fever and general soreness. Onset is typically fairly rapid and usually occurs within the first few months of delivery. Complications can include abscess formation. Risk factors include poor latch, cracked nipples, use of a breast pump, and weaning. The bacteria most commonly involved are Staphylococcus and Streptococci. Diagnosis is typically based on symptoms.Ultrasound may be useful for detecting a potential abscess. Prevention is by frequently and properly breastfeeding. When infection is present, antibiotics such as cephalexin may be recommended. Breastfeeding should typically be continued, as emptying the breast is important for healing. Tentative evidence supports benefits from probiotics. About 10% of breastfeeding women are affected.
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